Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Byram Quail Live Stream

QUAIL Project 2016

They've Hatched!
The first quail egg hatched yesterday May 9th at 2:30 pm with several excited on-lookers. Three more hatched that night and by morning we had seven.  
Today, May 10 we had 14 more hatch throughout the school day and at 5pm there is a total of 21 quail.  By the looks of the live stream we already have more.  Stay tuned for more hatching news and be sure to watch the live stream an witness a baby quail's first look at the world.

Friday, May 6, 2016

QUAIL Project 2016 Quail Cam Link

The link below is a live feed of the 2016 Quail in the Classroom project.

Byram Quail Live Youtube Stream

This amazing shot was taken by Olivia with Mr. Capriotti's super camera and remote.

QUAIL Project 2016

Quail eggs are off the egg rails and on the towel.  Hatching should start happening any moment.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

QUAIL Project 2016

Egg Candling

Day 14: It's egg candling day!  They're moving!!!

The quail eggs are so much darker on day 14 compared to day 4.  This is a good sign that the quail embryos are getting bigger!

QUAIL Project 2016

Egg Candling

Students used a light (cell phone flashlight) to illuminate 10 of the 120 quail eggs to observe the developing quail embryos.  Students performed the candling procedure on Day 4 and Day 14 of incubation. Some of the eggs are fertilized and progressing nicely and some are not (most likely unfertilized). On day 14 many students were able to see the quail embryos moving during candling.

Day 14: This egg does not have an embryo developing inside.

Day 14: Egg with a thriving embryo.  Darkened areas and blood vessels are visible.